History of Spring Peepers Farm

Spring Peepers Farm was built in the late 1820's by Captain Thomas Wilson.  The town of Topsham's only tailor, he was active in local government, working on the design of the town's roads, its first church, and its first school. 

Over time, an apple orchard was planted and barns for various purposes were built.  In the last century, lots were sold off, but the original farm was left with acres of richly soiled gardens and pasture.

The farm was a family home for decades until it was bought by its current caretakers, two people, three horses, three dogs, six barn cats, fourteen chickens, three guinea fowl, and two ducks who felt compelled to buy and revamp the property, returning the farm to the productivity of its past and sharing its beauty with its many visitors. 

For a quite reasonable facility fee, you may host your visitors at the farm as well. For more information, email springpeepersfarm@gmail.com.
a historic homestead with endless charm